All your news in a single email. We scour 100+ sources so you don't have to. Culture, science, sports, politics, business, and more - all packaged in a 5-minute read below. |
Need To Know. |
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NYC Caps Ridesharing. |
New York became the first major US city to cap the number of Uber, Lyft, and other ride-sharing vehicles on its roads, after the City Council voted on a series of regulatory bills yesterday. Under the rules, no new licenses will be granted for one year while the impact of the explosive growth of ride-sharing on the city is studied. A separate bill also laid out minimum pay and benefit rules for drivers, who legally operate as independent contractors. The city said the uncontrolled growth of ride-sharing operations has actually increased urban congestion over the past three years - which is supported by recent reports that the services added 5.7 billion miles of driving each year in the nation's 9 largest metro areas. Uber, Lyft, and Via offered to establish a $100M fund over five years to provide relief for the city's taxi drivers in exchange for dropping the regulations - officials declined the offer. |
House Member Arrested for Insider Trading. |
Representative Chris Collins (R, NY-27) was arrested by the FBI yesterday on charges of insider trading. The indictment - which includes wire fraud, seven counts of securities fraud, and lying to the FBI - alleges that Collins passed non-public information about the results of drug trials run by an Australian biopharmaceutical to family members. The company, Innate Immunotherapeutics, had a major treatment for multiple sclerosis fail clinical trials. After learning about the news in June 2017, Collins - who owned 4 million shares of the company and sat on the board of directors - let family members know, who subsequently dumped the stocks. Investigators say Collins' son and his son's future father-in-law, Stephen Zarsky, avoided $768,000 in losses by selling the stock early. Collins himself did not sell any stock after learning about the results.
Collins has denied the charges and said he will still run for reelection in November. |
US Hits Russia With Sanctions Over Spy Death. |
The US announced fresh sanctions on Russia after concluding that the death of a former Soviet spy in the United Kingdom was carried out by Russian agents. The victim, Sergei Skripal, had worked for Russian intelligence before becoming a double agent for the British intelligence service MI6 in the 1990s. He was arrested by the KGB in 2004 but released to Britain in a 2010 prisoner swap. Skripal and his daughter were poisoned by what was determined to be the Russian-made nerve agent called Novichok - while both victims survived, Britain considered it an attack on sovereign soil and a violation of international law, and booted 23 Russian diplomats from the country. The sanctions will kick in later in the month and cover national security-related goods, with possible exemptions for space flight activities. |
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In The Know. |
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Sports, Entertainment & Culture. |
> The Oscars to add 'popular film' category among several major changes in effort to improve ratings (More) |
> College basketball adopts sweeping changes including allowing players to hire agents & stiffer penalties for coaches who break rules (More) |
> Death of Margot Kidder, actress known for portraying Lois Lane in Superman, is ruled a suicide (More) |
Science & Technology. |
> Research shows blue light from devices speeds blindness by causing chemical reactions in the eye that kill photoreceptor cells, accelerating age-related macular degeneration (More) |
> Scientists to use drone-mounted lasers to create 3-D map of India's Ganges river, with the hope of cleaning up one of the most-polluted waterways in the world (More) |
> First-ever demonstration of control over a 3-level quantum system, allowing manipulation of individual electron spin (More) | What is quantum computing? (More) |
Business & Markets. |
> Rite Aid & Albertsons call off $24B merger on eve of shareholder vote after investor opposition (More) |
> Oil prices slide 3% after signaled slowdown in Chinese energy demand & US/China trade war fears (More) |
> Email killer Slack raising another $400M at $7B valuation (More) |
Politics & World Affairs. |
> Virginia Governor Ralph Northam declares state of emergency ahead of one-year anniversary of Charlottesville white nationalist rally that killed one and injured over 30 (More) |
> Appeals court upholds conviction of Stanford swimmer Brock Turner in 2016 sexual assault case, rejects request for retrial (More) |
> Trump lawyers reject Special Counsel Robert Mueller's terms for an in-person interview, seek a narrower scope of questioning (More) |
In Depth. |
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The Very Controversial Business of Dog Cloning. |
Vanity Fair | David Ewing Duncan. If you can get a DNA sample from your dog within five days of its death, Sooam Biotech in South Korea promises to get you a clone in five months - for a very pretty penny of course. Although seemingly simple, the process is actually quite cumbersome, sometimes taking hundreds of failed births to achieve a successful one. See inside the bizarre world of animal cloning, and the critics who think it shouldn’t exist. |
Axes of Evil. |
Atavist Magazine | Josh Dean. In 1976, two US officers were killed with axes by North Korean soldiers while inside the DMZ. The murders took place during Operation Paul Bunyan - a mission to remove a tree from the DMZ for security reasons. Here's how a seemingly short and simple landscaping operation nearly began World War III. |
Etcetera. |
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73 years ago the US dropped its second atomic bomb on Japan - see historic photos from the devastation from both Nagasaki and Hiroshima. |
Streaming music generated $43B in 2017, but artists only took home 12% of the earnings. |
There are now a record number of women running for both House seats and Governor mansions this November. |
The fury of the California fires captured in photos. |
The NFL's first male dancers will hit the sidelines this season. |
HGTV will restore the original house from The Brady Bunch. |
Study shockingly finds that people aspire to date someone out of their league. |
Clickbait: Man grieves at wrong grave for 30 years due to misplaced headstone. |
Historybook: US drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki, killing 40,000+ (1945); HBD Whitney Houston (1963); Actress Sharon Tate, 4 others are murdered by Manson Family (1969); Gerald Ford becomes US President as Richard Nixon resigns (1974); RIP Jerry Garcia (1995). |
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"Tell the truth, work hard, and come to dinner on time." - Gerald Ford |
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