All your news in a single email. We scour 100+ sources so you don't have to. Culture, science, sports, politics, business, and more - all packaged in a 5-minute read below.
Trump Makes SCOTUS Pick.
President Trump revealed Brett Kavanaugh as his Supreme Court nominee during a prime time announcement last night. If confirmed, the 53-year-old Yale graduate - appointed by George W. Bush to the DC Court of Appeals - would assume retiring justice Anthony Kennedy's seat on the court. As a Washington veteran and solidly conservative choice, Kavanaugh would tilt the court's ideological balance toward the right. Kennedy's retirement takes effect July 31st, and Kavanaugh will need to be confirmed by a simple majority in the Senate. The GOP holds a slim 51-49 majority, but Senator John McCain (R-AZ) may not vote as he battles brain cancer, and Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) have hedged on pro-life nominees. The circumstances may put pressure on red-state Democrats up for reelection in the fall, who may be framed as obstructionists if the nomination process is stalled past the November midterms.
See a thorough explanation of the next steps and where Kavanaugh falls (paywall) on the ideological spectrum with respect to the other justices.
Cave Rescue Almost Complete.
A dangerous rescue of a boys youth soccer team and their coach is almost complete, according to officials in Thailand. The team has been trapped in the extensive Tham Luan Nang Non cave system for two weeks after monsoons flooded the caves, driving them deeper into the hillside. Rescuers located the team on July 3rd but struggled whether to wait for waters to recede or to guide the boys one-by-one through the narrow and complex passageways leading out of the cave. It is the third day after officials ultimately decided to swim the boys out - four were rescued on Sunday, and four more yesterday. While all boys have been successfully rescued so far, a former Thai Navy diver died while bringing supplies to the group after running out of oxygen.
See a great video explanation of why the rescue is so difficult.
Massive Algae Bloom in Florida.
Governor Rick Scott declared a state of emergency yesterday over a massive algae bloom that has choked a number of waterways along Florida's west coast yesterday. The move opens up funding and loosens restrictions on state agencies to combat the toxic green algae which has filled up 90% of Lake Okeechobee (some photos here), the state's largest body of fresh water. The algae bloom, a type of cyanobacteria known commonly as blue-green algae, is driven primarily by an abundance of phosphorus and nitrogen that builds up as runoff from agricultural fertilizer collects in the waterways. Similar algae growths have occurred across the country - Ohio has spent nearly $3B since 2011 fighting an explosive algae bloom in Lake Erie, where hundreds of small farms lie on the rivers that feed into the lake. The bacteria often give a sludge-like consistency to the water and can produce toxins harmful to humans - effectively shutting down tourism in the area and threatening the local fishing industries.
Science & Technology.
> Tiny silicon devices converts ambient waste heat into electricity ( More)
> Pair of drugs capable of clearing out idled - or senescent - cells from tissue improves health, extends lifetime in mice ( More)
> Apple rolls out iOS 11.4.1 with upgrades that block passcode breaking tools used by police ( More)
Business & Markets.
> Xiaomi - the 4th largest global smartphone business which IPO'd in Hong Kong on Monday - falls 6% on first day of trading after raising $4.7B at $54B valuation ( More)
> Uber participates in $335M Lime scooter investment, firms to partner as scooter wars heat up ( More)
> Nissan admits to falsifying emissions test data at most of its Japanese factories ( More)
Politics & World Affairs.
> British foreign minister and hardline Brexit supporter quits over UK's move toward a "soft Brexit", which would involve a free trade zone with the EU ( More) | Brexit 101 ( More)
> Starbucks to ditch plastic straws from all locations worldwide within 2 years, citing ocean pollution ( More)
> Trump begins seven-day European trip to meet with NATO allies and UK Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth II; trip ends Sunday with meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin ( More)
Sports, Entertainment & Culture.
> Tab Hunter, Hollywood icon and star of Damn Yankees!, dies at 86 ( More)
> Belgium takes on France in World Cup semifinal at 2 pm ET today; see odds, predictions & preview ( More)
> Hedge fund billionaire David Tepper buys NFL's Carolina Panthers for record $2.275B ( More)
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Say Hello To Full Employment.
The Atlantic | Annie Lowrey. For the first time in United States history, the number of open jobs is higher than the number of people looking for work - a sign that we may be headed toward full employment. In an economy with full employment, everyone who wants work should get it. Iowa has nearly achieved this, but the Hawkeye economy still isn’t all sunshine and rainbows - see inside the problems that lie ahead for both Iowa and the United States.
When Milky Got His Money.
Esquire | David Kushner. When Luke “Milky” Moore, a broke unemployed 24-year-old, realized he could overdraw money from his savings account without the bank noticing, he decided to do it again. And then again, and again, and again. Once he paid the mortgage on his house, Moore and his friends realized there was only one thing to do with all of this “free” money - use it for partying.
Which states get the least amount of exercise, according to the CDC.
Breaking down 100,000 moments to find what makes people happy.
See which cities around the world have the worst commutes.
The stunning winners of the Audobon Photography Awards.
Daredevil Travis Pastrana replicates three of Evel Knievel's most iconic jumps.
15 years of panoramas from the Mars Opportunity rover.
Study finds boys get paid twice as much allowance as girls on average.
Passionate sports fans are more likely to endorse conservative policies.
Clickbait: Political candidate pulls campaign stunt with yacht, hits rock.
Historybook: France declares war on Great Britain and enters American Revolutionary War (1778); HBD Nikola Tesla (1856); Scopes Monkey Trial begins (1925); HBD Arthur Ashe (1943); HBD Sofia Vergara (1972).
"True heroism is...not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost."
- Arthur Ashe
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