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Need To Know. |
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EU Extends Brexit (With Conditions). |
Leaders from the European Union tentatively agreed to British Prime Minister Theresa May's request to extend the deadline for the United Kingdom to break with the EU, with one major caveat - British lawmakers must approve May's package guiding the withdrawal. As is, the UK is scheduled to leave the EU on March 29th, with or without a deal that guides travel, trade, immigration, and more between countries. The move by the EU appears calculated to pressure British lawmakers, who have twice rejected May's package. Parliament is split between three outcomes - pursuing a no-deal Brexit, holding another national referendum on whether to reverse the decision to leave, or modifying the withdrawal package. There isn't much clarity on how the different scenarios will impact the economy, though economists have predicted a drop in GDP by anywhere from 3% to 9% over 15 years depending on how things settle. |
New Zealand Gun Ban. |
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced sweeping changes to the country's gun laws, proposing a ban on assault rifles and military-style semi-automatic weapons. The announcement was quickly supported by lawmakers, including the country's opposition party. The move follows a deadly mass shooting by 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant, who killed 50 and injured 50 others during an attack on two mosques in the city of Christchurch. Tarrant reportedly purchased a number of guns and ammo online from a local store, though not the specific weapon used in the attack. Tarrant, an avowed white supremacist, buried a barrage of internet memes in a 73-page manifesto he posted to the notorious message board 8chan prior to livestreaming the attacks.
New Zealand, considered one of the most peaceful countries, averages between 40 and 50 total homicides per year. |
Mueller Report to go Public. |
President Trump signaled yesterday that the final report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into potential Russian meddling should be made public when ready. It is up to new Attorney General William Barr on how much information to pass to Congress - Barr fueled speculation during his confirmation hearings that the Justice Department needed to “maintain flexibility” pending final review of the report. Three members of Mueller’s team have confirmed plans to depart the investigation in recent weeks, leading many to conclude the report is almost finished. A recent poll showed about 60% of Americans were at least somewhat confident the investigation was handled fairly.
Separately, GOP Senators publicly pushed back on recent criticism by Trump of their former colleague John McCain. |
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Sports, Entertainment & Culture. |
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> Ariana Grande and rappers Childish Gambino and Lil Wayne headline Lollapalooza 2019 lineup; see full list of performers (More) > North Dakota State, Arizona State, Belmont, and Farleigh Dickinson advance in NCAA First Four match-ups; first round begins today, see schedule and predictions (More) |
> Library of Congress adds recordings by Jay-Z, Bobby Kennedy, Schoolhouse Rock!, and 22 others to National Recording Registry (More) | What is the National Recording Registry? (More)
Invest in the world's most valuable paintings. Want to own part of a $2M Warhol or a $6.3M Monet? lets you buy shares in high-end and usually inaccessible art that has outperformed the S&P 500 by 250%+ since 2000* #Ad (More) |
Science & Technology. |
> FDA approves brexanolone, the first drug to treat postpartum depression in women; affects an estimated 400,000 women in the US each year (More) |
> First-ever bird fossil with unlaid egg inside of mother found; 115-million-year-old specimen uncovered in Northwest China (More) |
> Judge blocks oil and gas drilling on federal land across 500 square miles in Wyoming, saying projects did not adequately consider climate change contributions when performing environmental assessments (More) |
Business & Markets. |
> Federal Reserve Chairman Powell holds interest rates, projects no additional rate hikes for remainder of 2019 (More) > European regulators fine Google $1.7B in antitrust case involving online ad placement (More) |
> Meet the promising startups that launched at Y Combinator's Winter Demo Days (Day 1, Day 2) | What is Y Combinator? (More) |
Politics & World Affairs. |
> Notoriously silent Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas asks question during oral arguments for just the second time in a decade; asks defense who they struck from a jury pool during their defendant's murder trial (More) |
> Contents of the voice recorder of doomed Lion Air flight, the first of two 737 MAX 8 crashes in the past five months, leaked to public; depicts a struggle for control between human and software system (More) | FBI joins criminal probe into certification of the planes (More) |
> Harvard University sued by descendant of US slave for possession of photographs held by the school for use in 1850's racial sociological studies (More) |
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In Depth. |
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The Evolution of Memes. |
Complex | Perry Kostidakis. At one point, meme culture consisted of odd pictures circulated by a dedicated few who found them entertaining. Today, memes are one of the main mediums of online communication and they extend into our most niche communities. They also tend to be ridiculous, so how did they become a centerpiece of online culture? (Read) |
A More Humane Livestock Industry, Brought to You by CRISPR. |
Wired | Gregory Barber. Because ranchers in the beef industry want more meat for their dollar, they often prefer male cows. And when females are born, it's often cheaper to have them killed than to raise them fully. But gene editing technology has made it possible to create an all-male newborn population, which would eliminate waste from many industries. (Read) |
"Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance." - Charles Lindbergh |
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