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Need To Know. |
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Mosque Massacre in New Zealand. |
At least 49 people were killed and at least 20 people seriously injured after a coordinated terrorist attack on two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. Officials had arrested 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant, an avowed white supremacist, and detained at three others. Tarrant, who said the attack was inspired by the far-right terrorist Anders Breivik who killed 77 in a 2011 attack in Norway, reportedly live-streamed the shooting on Facebook. The 17-minute-long video was immediately taken down by the social media platform. In New Zealand, a country unaccustomed to mass attacks, it was the worst massacre since a man shot and killed 6 people at his family's lodge in 1997. This story is still developing and officials fear that the victim count will rise as the day goes on. |
Senate Rejects Border Emergency. |
The Senate voted 59-41 yesterday to reject President Trump's recent declaration of a national emergency at the US-Mexico border. 12 Republicans joined Senate Democrats in supporting the resolution, which passed the House by a 245-182 vote last month. Under the national emergency declaration, the White House has said it plans to access up to $6.7B from other pots of money across the government to further build a border wall - many Republicans expressed displeasure that the funds would be used without congressional approval. The vote is partly symbolic, as the President is expected to veto the bill and neither the House or Senate margins met the two-thirds majority needed to overcome a veto.
Unsure about what a national emergency is and when they can be used? Here's an explainer. |
Youth Climate Protest. |
Tens of thousands of students are expected to participate today in strikes across the globe protesting what they view as inaction on climate policy. The Global Climate Strike for Future, which organizers say includes over 2000 events planned in 106 separate countries (see map of events), is by far the largest in a string of recent climate protests by teens that began last August. The movement began from a lone Swedish teenager, when then ninth-grader Greta Thunberg began skipping school on Fridays to protest alone outside her country's Parliament. Thunberg was nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for her advocacy. The student organizers said they were inspired by the student-led protests that followed the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida last year. |
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In The Know. |
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Sports, Entertainment & Culture. |
> Empire actor Jussie Smollett pleads not guilty to 16 felony counts of disorderly conduct, amid allegations that he faked his own assault (More) |
> Birch Bayh, former US senator who championed Title IX law banning discrimination against women in college admissions and sports, dies at 91 (More) |
> March Madness begins with 'Selection Sunday' as the NCAA college basketball bracket is unveiled (More) | See latest bracketology, the expert predictions on who will make the tourney (More) | Check out our 101 on changes to the selection process (More) |
Science & Technology. |
> Stimulating brainwaves via light and sound may help treat Alzheimer's symptoms; a week's worth of stimulation engaged the prefrontal cortex in mice and was linked to a reduction of brain plaques (More) |
> Agricultural scientists are creating bull "super dads" by transplanting genetically-engineered sperm into cattle to spread desirable traits more rapidly (More) |
> A subway station in China is testing having riders pay their fare via facial recognition scans (More) |
Business & Markets. |
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> Facebook loses heads of product and messaging app WhatsApp following privacy pivot (More) > Connecticut Supreme Court rules maker of AR-15 rifles could be sued over Sandy Hook massacre (More) | Why gun manufacturer stocks typically increase after rulings against gun companies (More) |
> Economy retail giant Dollar General misses Wall Street expectations, shares fall 6% (More)
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Politics & World Affairs. |
> House passes resolution urging public release of Special Counsel Mueller's report on potential Russian meddling in 2016 election by 420-0 vote (More) |
> UK lawmakers vote to delay the March 29th deadline for the country to exit the European Union; delay requires unanimous support from all 27 EU countries (More) |
> Israel hits 100 targets in Gaza Strip airstrike following rocket attack on Israeli city of Tel Aviv (More) |
Weekend Reads. |
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What You Need to Know for March Madness. |
1440 | Staff. Selection Sunday is this weekend, and the men's selection committee is making one small-but-important change this year, embracing big data. Check out our write-up to see if it keeps your team in the tournament - or keeps them sitting at home this March. (Read) |
How Did the FAA Miss the Boeing Problem? |
The Atlantic | Alexis Madrigal. Two Boeing 737 MAX 8 planes have crashed in the last six months, both likely due to the same software problem. How did the FAA's rigorous testing regime miss the potential issue? (Read) |
The Problem with Teaching "Grit" at School. |
The Hechinger Report | Jill Barshay. The notion that grit is the driver of academic and life success has taken the nation by storm over the last few years. But new research shows that at least in schools, soft skills may be more important. (Read) |
"My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant to be your own person, be independent." - Ruth Bader Ginsburg |
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