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North Korea Supplying Syria With Materials.
North Korea has reportedly been supplying Syria with materials for the production of chemical weapons for nearly five years, according to an unreleased United Nations report. The clandestine supplies were traded across nearly 40 shipments between 2012 and 2017 and also included prohibited ballistic missile components, and at least five shipments were facilitated by an unnamed Chinese trading firm. The trade would violate international agreements in both directions - prohibited materials to Syria and cash payments to North Korea banned by current sanctions. The Syrian government has repeatedly been accused of using chemical weapons - in violation of an international convention - during its increasingly chaotic 7-year civil war, most recently in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta.
Apple Launches Medical Centers.
Apple will launch a network of health clinics and medical centers aimed at providing health care for its employees, according to surreptitiously released job postings uncovered yesterday. The company, called AC Wellness, has set up two centers in Santa Clara, near its California headquarters. The centers will provide Apple employees with state-of-the-art health care - the CDC estimates that health problems affect 69 million workers and cost the economy $260B each year. They will also give Apple a venue to design, test, and integrate new personalized health technology into its products, a market that is projected to top $600B by 2024. The move follows a joint venture by Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JPMorgan to provide health care for their employees.
DOJ Takes Aim at Opioid Manufacturers.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Justice Department would side with a number of states, cities, and municipalities in a nationwide lawsuit against major opioid manufacturers and distributors yesterday, filing a statement of interest in the case. The companies that make the drugs - Purdue, Endo Pharmaceuticals, Insys, and others - have faced legal action from states in the past seeking financial claims from the cost of treating opioid addiction. Most opioid deaths - which have increased 5-fold since 1999 - come from street drugs like heroin and fentanyl, but 80% of heroin users began by abusing prescription opioids, according to studies. The Department will also establish a task force to examine the role of the makers and distributors of the drugs in the crisis.
The White House is expected to host an opioid summit on Thursday.
Sports, Entertainment & Culture.
> Netflix to spend $8B on approximately 700 original series, movies, content in 2018 ( More)
> Former superstar pitcher Tim Lincecum to sign with Texas Rangers ( More)
> Ryan Seacrest denies sexual harassment claims ( More) | Will still host pre-Oscars show ( More)
Science & Technology.
> Arctic temps 50 degrees above average, possibly driven by feedback loop where decreasing ice mass means less insulation from warming temps ( More)
> New breakthrough super-resolution microscope offers unprecedented view inside cells ( More)
> Google received 2.4M takedown requests under Europe's 'right to be forgotten' laws between 2014-2017, complied with 43% ( More)
Business & Markets.
> Markets: New Fed Chair Powell signals rate increases in first public appearance before Financial Services Committee, US stock market drops 1% ( More) | Retail giant Macy's grows for the first time in 12 quarters, beats Wall Street expectations; stock up 5% ( More)
> Canadian Cronos Group becomes first marijuana company to be listed on US stock exchange ( More)
> Amazon to acquire video doorbell biz Ring for $1.2B ( More)
Politics & World Affairs.
> Trump names Brad Parscale, the digital media director for 2016 campaign, as 2020 campaign manager ( More) | Kushner security clearance downgraded from top secret to secret ( More)
> Supreme Court rules immigrants can be detained indefinitely, even with permanent legal status, while residency is checked ( More)
> 11 fall ill after suspicious letter arrives at Joint Base Fort Myer-Henderson Hall in Arlington, VA ( More)
"If you treat every situation as a life and death matter, you'll die a lot of times."
- Dean Smith
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