All your news in a single email. We scour 100+ sources so you don't have to. Culture, science, sports, politics, business, and more - all packaged in a 5-minute read below. |
Need To Know. |
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Tesla Faces Criminal Probe. |
Electric carmaker Tesla is under investigation by the Justice Department over public comments by CEO Elon Musk that he was considering taking the company private, according to reports yesterday. Musk made the comments in an August 7th tweet in which he also claimed to have already secured funding for the deal at a per-share price of $420. In the aftermath of the brief and cryptic tweet the company's stock price rose from around $340 to near $380 per share as investors hoped to cash in, but the price ultimately plummeted to $300 as Musk backtracked over the ensuing weeks. The probe focuses on whether Musk or the company knowingly issued the tweet in an attempt to manipulate the stock price.
At the same time, Musk was hit with a libel suit by a British cave diver who Musk repeatedly called a pedophile on Twitter - while the diver was assisting in the Thai rescue effort of a boy's soccer team. |
Record Brooklyn Church Settlement. |
The Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn reached a $27.5M settlement yesterday with four men who were repeatedly sexually abused by a religious teacher. At nearly $7M awarded per person, the deal represents the largest individual payments by the US Catholic Church for sexual abuse to date. The men allege that 67-year-old Angelo Serrano abused the boys between 2003 and 2009 on church grounds - he was not an ordained priest but taught catechism classes at a church in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. Serrano was convicted on sex abuse charges related to one of the boys and sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2009. The news comes against the backdrop of a widening sex abuse crisis in the Church that exploded back into public consciousness with a bombshell August report that concluded over 1,000 children were abused at the hands of Pennsylvania clergy (with separate claims spreading internationally from Latin America to Europe). |
Kim Jong-un to Visit South Korea. |
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un announced he will travel to Seoul, South Korea in what would be the first-ever visit by a North Korean head of state to the South's capital city. The announcement came on the heels of a summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in which the two countries committed to an "era of no war", during which Kim agreed to shutter the country's Tongchang-ri missile test facilities in the presence of international experts (see the six known test sites here). It was the third meeting between the two leaders this year, and follows a pledge by North Korea during a high-level meeting with President Trump to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and de-escalate tensions with the US. Trump had criticized Kim and the North for a lack of concrete action since the June summit. |
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In The Know. |
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Sports, Entertainment & Culture. |
> US Senate unanimously passes Music Modernization Act which streamlines music licensing process for artists, song producers (More) |
> Julie Chen leaves The Talk following the departure of husband Les Moonves as CBS CEO in wake of sexual assault allegations (More) |
> Group of Pro Football Hall of Famers threaten boycott of future induction ceremonies over lack of health insurance, revenue sharing (More) |
Science & Technology. |
> Study links shift in Atlantic Ocean currents to warming waters and a rapid drop in oxygen levels in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (More) |
> Research team demonstrates ultrathin, transparent, fully functional speaker (and microphone) that can attach to skin (More) |
> Study of electrical signals in brain suggests it may be hardwired for laziness; could be an evolutionary mechanism to conserve energy (More) |
Business & Markets. |
> On-demand delivery service Postmates joins unicorn club, raises $300M at $1.2B valuation (More) | Meet the unicorns - private companies worth over $1B (More) |
> Coworking space giant WeWork passes JP Morgan as Manhattan's largest office space tenant, as market continues shift to flexible leases (More) |
> Study finds female Silicon Valley employees receive 47 cents of stock-based compensation for every dollar male employees receive (More) |
Politics & World Affairs. |
> Senate passes $845B partial spending bill for Defense, Labor, and Health Departments; bill heads to House approval (More) |
> Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault in the 1980s, says she wants FBI to investigate claims before she testifies before Senate Judiciary Committee (More) |
> United Nations releases report detailing evidence of war crimes by Myanmar government against Muslim Rohingya minority (More) |
Unlocking expert-level investment for all. |
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The rule that every investor should know: 20% of any portfolio should invest in alternative assets, like real estate. Take it from the experts at Yale who made the rule famous with their endowment’s outstanding historical performance.
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Etcetera. |
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4 things to know about Yom Kippur, the Jewish holiday that began last night. |
...Also, Wayfairer ranks the world's most spiritual countries. |
23-foot-high exact replicas of the Moon are now touring the world. |
Drone footage captures Hurricane Florence turning I-40 into a massive river. |
...And check out a compilation of videos showing the fury of Typhoon Mangkhut, the strongest storm of 2018. |
Arrgh Millennials: You can get a free deep fried Twinkie at Long John Silvers for Talk Like a Pirate Day.* |
Unraveling the mysteries around how coffee gets decaffeinated. |
Heinz courts controversy, combines ketchup and mayonnaise in a single bottle called "mayochup". |
Clickbait: Lawnmower parents are the new helicopter parents. |
*User-submitted content. Shout-out to Emily S. for the recommendation!
Historybook: President James Garfield dies from gunshot wounds (1881); HBD British cultural icon and model Twiggy (1949); First-ever underground nuclear test takes place in Nevada (1957); HBD Jimmy Fallon (1974); Deepwater Horizon oil spill is sealed after 5-month oil leak (2010). |
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"Being young isn't about age, it's about being a free spirit." - Lesley "Twiggy" Lawson |
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