All your news in a single email. We scour 100+ sources so you don't have to. Culture, science, sports, politics, business, and more - all packaged in a 5-minute read below. |
Need To Know. |
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Morsi Dies in Court. |
Mohamed Morsi, the first democratically-elected president in Egypt's modern history, collapsed and died during court proceedings yesterday. The 67-year-old was elected in the wake of the Arab Spring in 2012, but was subsequently deposed by current President General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in July 2013. Over 840 people were killed in August 2013 when the military cracked down on pro-Morsi protests during what became known as the Rabaa massacre. Morsi was facing espionage charges - he was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and secular opponents accused him of sharing intelligence with Islamist groups like Hamas - when he fainted and collapsed, being declared dead at the hospital. While the cause of death is unknown, critics said neglect during his imprisonment led to his deteriorating health. |
Nuclear Deal on Last Legs. |
Iran will breach the limits of the 2015 nuclear treaty within 10 days, according to state media yesterday. Uranium enrichment results in a higher percentage of uranium-235, an unstable form of the material that drives nuclear activity, than is commonly found in nature. 3-5% enrichment is generally used for commercial power reactors - weapons can be made using any material enriched over 20% (overview here), but the amount of material needed drops as enrichment approaches 90%. This has made 20% a symbolic milepost in the development of country’s nuclear capability. Under the deal - which the US left in 2018 - Iran was limited to 660 pounds of low-enriched uranium (3-5%). State officials said they had quadrupled production of low-enriched uranium and would cross that threshold by June 27th, and may restart work on 20% enrichment.
Separately, the White House relocated 1,000 more troops to the Middle East. |
Immigration Sweep and Reelection Bid. |
President Trump said yesterday US Immigration and Customs Enforcement will launch an aggressive campaign to remove millions of immigrants illegally living in the country beginning next week. The sweeps - announced in a series of tweets - will reportedly target over a million people who have received final deportation orders but still remain at large in the country. The move comes as Trump gets set to officially launch his 2020 reelection campaign today at a rally in Orlando. An estimated 10.2 million unauthorized immigrants currently live in the US (see stats), down from a peak of 12.2 million in 2007. The news also comes as the US-Mexico border is experiencing an unprecedented surge in Central American migrants arriving to claim asylum in the US - over 144,000 arrived in May, nearly triple the same period in 2018. |
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In The Know. |
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Sports, Entertainment & Culture. |
> Gloria Vanderbilt, well-known socialite and fashion designer, dies at 95 (More) | See Vanderbilt's life in pictures (More) |
> Avengers: Endgame, Game of Thrones win big at MTV Movie & TV Awards; see complete list of winners (More) |
> 4 people shot and wounded during parade which saw 1.5 million attend in celebration of Toronto Raptors NBA championship; 3 arrested in connection with shooting (More) |
Science & Technology. |
> Study shows machine learning program based on Google’s facial recognition software can diagnose gut diseases based on biopsy photos with 94% accuracy (More) |
> Researchers identify gene responsible for increased risk of pot addiction (More) |
> Image software giant Adobe releases program to detect facial manipulations in photos (More) |
Business & Markets. |
> Sotheby’s auction house to be taken private for $3.7B by French entrepreneur and art collector Patrick Drahi (More) |
> Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer to buy cancer drugmaker Array BioPharma for $11B (More) |
> Chinese tech giant Huawei will miss revenue forecasts by ~$30B in coming years due to US ban, according to CEO (More) |
Politics & World Affairs. |
> Supreme Court allows ruling requiring Virginia to redraw its electoral districts due to racial gerrymandering to stand (More) | ...and overturns lower court’s ruling against Oregon baker who refused service to a gay couple, tells lower court to rehear case (More) |
> Catholic Church considering allowing married men to be ordained in certain cases in order to address priest shortage (More) |
> China announces President Xi Jinping to make state visit to North Korea this week, the first by a Chinese leader in 14 years (More) |
Everyday magic in your life. |
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In Depth. |
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What Really Happened to Malaysia's Missing Airplane. |
The Atlantic | William Langewiesche. On March 8, 2014, the last transmission ever issued by Malaysia Airlines flight 370 was sent, saying "Good night." After five years, see what officials really think happened over the Indian Ocean, and why many don't want to talk about it. (Read) |
The Mindfulness Conspiracy. |
The Guardian | Ronald Purser. As the mindfulness movement - with its meditative emphasis of living in the moment - continues to grow, some wonder if the ideology is not as positive for the world as expected. If being mindful means suffering lives within our minds and not within the world around us, fewer people may attempt to make a positive change. (Read) |
"The love you take is equal to the love you make." - Paul McCartney |
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