Twelve of 1440's Favorite Animal Photo Galleries

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The Best of the Best

We regularly post links to our favorite animal photo galleries in our Daily Digest, so we thought we’d collect them all in one place for our readers. From the pro shots in global contests using cutting-edge technology to the amateurs who caught their pets in the middle of their most ridiculous behavior, here’s a selection of our favorite animal photos to brighten your day.

1440's Favorite Animal Photo Galleries

Photo credit: Unsplash, Lucia Macedo

Nature Photographer of the Year. The team at NPOTY reviews over 20,000 image submissions from participants in 97 countries to find the best of the year’s nature photos, awarding thousands of dollars in cash prizes since 2016.

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. It’s one thing to capture our pets in their silly moments, and a whole separate skillset to find the funny episodes in wildlife. Here’s the best of the goofy shots of animals in their natural habitats.

Farm Animal Photo Contest. This Farm Animals contest features intimate, playful portraits of the storied species we see as domesticated beasts of burden, showing up in all their sweet familiarity. 

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Photo credit: Unsplash, Matthew Henry

Natural History Museum’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year. One of the United Kingdom’s longest-running photo competitions—with original submissions arriving as a stack of prints in plastic baggies—the Natural History Museum’s wildlife photographer of the year is a stunning collection.

International Pet Photographer of the Year. The world’s largest professional pet photography competition curates gorgeous images of household friends, with shortlists in action shots (those leaping dogs!), tender poses of pets and their people, and stunning portraits.

Comedy Pet Photo Competition. This annual contest features hilarious shots of pets. The competition’s larger goal is to cultivate awareness of our furry friends and encourage support for abandoned pets and wildlife facing environmental struggles. 

Photo credit: Unsplash, Boris Smokrovic

Bird Photographer of the Year Awards. This competition of our winged friends culled through over 20,000 images to identify the most inspiring of all: 2022’s winner, a “Rock Ptarmigan” flying over the frozen landscape of Norway. Beyond the year’s best, there are several category awards, including shots of young birds, best portfolio, and best video.

Dog Photographer of the Year Awards. This competition, the first ever devoted solely to dog photos, accepts submissions from amateurs and professionals across several categories, with cash prizes of close to $50,000 for each category. 

Ocean Photographer of the Year. Oceanographic Magazine’s annual contest looks to reveal the magic of sea-dwelling creatures, from whales to penguins, utilizing some of photography’s more complicated technology to do so.

Photo credit: Unsplash, Kris-Mikael Krister

Underwater Photographer of the Year. This UK-focused contest features marine animals and beyond, looking to reward those photographers capturing the wildest images below the surface of the Earth’s waters.

Hilarious Cat Photos. Nils Jacobi, otherwise known as the “Catographer,” is something of an expert when it comes to feline photos. Here’s a collection of some of his best, from sophisticated portraits to silly snapshots.

British Wildlife Photography Awards. Another UK-oriented competition looking to celebrate and raise awareness of British wild spaces, from curious foxes to ride-sharing frogs.

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